What Sold in Tacoma This Week

by Marguerite
Just in time for Thanksgiving.

Just in time for Thanksgiving.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I divided my time between family togetherness and recovering from family togetherness at friends houses.  While most of the city was off spending quality time with their families over turkey, 22 Tacomans bought houses!

Those houses ranged in price from $124,000 to $507,000. They sold for about 4% less than the price they were listed at and spent an average of 127 days on the market before selling.  Also, they were all houses, no condos closed this week.

The last week of the month is usually the busiest as far as home closings go, and I heard through the grapevine that there were a lot of agents and lenders scrambling to get their clients homes closed before the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Whew!

Got a quick question? I won’t stalk you. Text me at 253-820-3784

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