One of the most common questions people relocating to Tacoma ask is, “What is the best Tacoma neighborhood?” It may seem like side stepping to say, “It depends” but it absolutely isn’t. The right question is, “What is the best Tacoma neighborhood for me?”
As someone who has lived in neighborhoods across Tacoma and Pierce County I can tell you there are good and bad things about every single one. Over my career helping hundreds of people relocate to Pierce County over the past two decades I have learned that people prioritize different things, and approaching your search based on your priorities (not just glomming onto what other folks say is “Good” or “Bad”) makes all the difference when it comes to being happy in the community you choose.
What is the best neighborhood for me?
Different people in Tacoma have different criteria for what makes a great neighborhood. Some people prioritize the type of home, (new construction vs Craftsman for example). Some people prioritize price, (the median home price across Pierce County varies by hundreds of thousands of dollars!) and some people just want to live as close as they possibly can to the fanciest grocery store or coffee shop they can. Don’t even get me started on all the different things people mean when they say they want to live in a neighborhood with “good schools”.
Here’s some resources for folks looking to evaluate neighborhoods in Tacoma and determine what the best neighborhood is for YOU!
Clickable Neighborhood map of Tacoma and Pierce County

Our sister site has this clickable neighborhood map of Tacoma and Pierce County that gets bigger every year. There are neighborhood profiles of cities and neighborhoods across Pierce County that show median home price, types of homes and businesses in the neighborhood, what there is to do in each neighborhood, and what the neighbors who live there like and don’t like about the neighborhoods. This is a great place to start getting a feel for which neighborhoods and cities are where.
The Most Affordable Neighborhoods in Tacoma and Pierce County

For many people, their choice in where they live is going to be dictated by their budget. The lower the median home price of a neighborhood the more house (and potentially the more land) you can afford to buy.
The Most Affordable Neighborhoods in Tacoma (as of 2021!) are:
The most affordable Tacoma neighborhoods right now are Downtown Tacoma, South Tacoma, the South End, Hilltop, and East Tacoma.
The median home prices in those neighborhoods range from $318,000- $337,000.
The most Affordable Neighborhoods in Pierce County (as of 2021!) are:
The most affordable Pierce County neighborhoods right now are the Elbe/Ashford area (which is also the most remote), Parkland, Spanaway, Frederickson, and the city of Lakewood.
What are the best neighborhoods in Tacoma if you are commuting?

I’ve seen stats that show about 40% of the workforce in Pierce County commutes outside of Pierce County for work. With traffic being the way that it is in the Puget Sound region many people are focussed on improving their quality of life by reducing their commutes. You can do this by living as close as possible to where you work (reducing your drive time) or living close to a Sounder Station or Link Light Rail stop or Bus Transportation Center.
Best Neighborhoods in Tacoma and Pierce County for Commuting to Seattle
Best Neighborhoods in Tacoma and Pierce County for Commuting to JBLM
What are the best neighborhoods in Tacoma if you want to live on the water?

“Best neighborhoods” for many people moving to Tacoma mean “How can I find a waterfront house” or “how can I find a house in Tacoma with a view of the water?”
The top neighborhoods with water views in Tacoma are listed here and include Tacoma’s West Slope, Ruston, Old Town, Stadium, Downtown Tacoma, and Tacoma’s Eastside. For a more complete list that includes lakefront neighborhoods click here.
How do I pick the right neighborhood in Tacoma for me?
Choosing the right neighborhood in Tacoma can be challenging if you’re researching from far away. As someone who has been helping people relocate to Tacoma for over 15 years I cannot emphasize enough how much it helps to have a local real estate agent who specializes in the type of home/neighborhood you want. Pierce County spans from the Puget Sound to the top of one of North America’s tallest volcanos. The cities, neighborhoods, homes, and architecture varies WILDLY. To say nothing of the price. Check out this blog post I wrote about “How to choose the best Tacoma real estate agent for you” if you’d like to know more about how to choose someone great.
Best of luck in finding your place in the City of Destiny!
Marguerite Martin has been a real estate agent in Tacoma since 2005. She now runs and helps folks in Tacoma and Pierce County find real estate agents they like and trust. Looking to find a great real estate agent in Tacoma or Pierce County? Contact Marguerite here.