Tacoma housing prices increased 15% between 2019 and 2020. As we enter 2021 the median home price for Pierce County is hoovering around $450,000. The median home price has increased 136% since January 2012 when the median home price in Pierce County was still under $200,000.
The Most Affordable Neighborhoods in Tacoma 2021
The most affordable Tacoma neighborhoods right now are Downtown Tacoma, South Tacoma, the South End, Hilltop, and East Tacoma.
The median home prices in those neighborhoods range from $318,000- $337,000. If that seems pricey you’re right. Tacoma isn’t “affordable” anymore by most metrics. You can learn more by checking out the blog post on MovetoTacoma.com “Tacoma isn’t affordable anymore. This is Why.”
Tacomans who are renting and looking to become homeowners still have opportunities in Tacoma. To learn more you can check out the conversation with Tacoma real estate agent Marguerite Martin on, “Creative ways to buy in Tacoma if you think you’re priced out.”
The Most Expensive Neighborhoods in Tacoma 2021
The most expensive neighborhoods in Tacoma in 2021 are the Stadium District at $805,000, Three Bridges at $700,000, Old Town at $655,000, Proctor at $619,500, and Tacoma’s West Slope at $578,500. Stadium, Old Town, and West Slope in particular boast some of the best views of the water in Tacoma. Stadium and Old Town are also two of the oldest neighborhoods in Tacoma with some of its most historic and architecturally significant homes.
Home Prices in Tacoma by Neighborhood 2021
If you’d like to explore home prices by neighborhood in Tacoma check out the clickable neighborhood map at MovetoTacoma.com. The map shows 2021 housing prices in many Tacoma neighborhoods and for cities and neighborhoods across Pierce County.