It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that I am giving up the Pacific Grill Grilled Cheese. Yesterday I stepped on the scale and realized that no, every single pair of jeans I own has not shrunk. It is true. I have gained 12 pounds. I don’t want to hold the Pacifil Grill Grilled cheese entirely responsible, but perhaps 3 Pacific Grill Grilled Cheeses per week is too many to maintain with the amount of physical activity I do regularly. They are hard to resist, with their cave aged gruyere beautifully melted with sharp cheddar. The tomato chutney. The chips. But resist I must.
I ask for the support of my friends, neighbors, and community in this difficult time. It will be no easy feat to cut this gooey crispy deliciousness out of my life. But it must be done.