I was just running the numbers for Tacoma’s Hilltop neighborhood and thought I would share them with you all. Hilltop for me is the neighborhood between South Yakima, Sprague Avenue, 6th Avenue, and I-5. While there are many microneighborhoods within Hilltop, for the purposes of running market data I do them all together under the banner of Hilltop.
In the past 6 months 54 houses have sold in Hilltop after an average of 131 days on the market. Of those 54 the median sales price was $107,700. The average price per square foot was $78.21. The average Hilltop House sold was 1,527 square feet.
Since such a large portion of the homes selling in Hilltop are bank owned and short sales, it puts a lot of pressure on non-bank owned homeowners to drop their prices. Those that can choose not to sell (because who in their right mind wants to sell for $78/square foot if they don’t have to?) are canceling or letting their listings expire, as you can see on the graph above.
If you are a buyer interested in buying a house for yourself (or HECK, a rental! $107,700!?) in Hilltop, I have lots of experience there and I’d love to help. You can contact me here.