When buying a house, it is fair to say that the majority of my clients place an extremely high priority on commute time. For people who are still part of the workforce (sorry retireds and trust funders!) this consideration is usually second only to price.
Enter this awesome new website for calculating your ideal home location based on where you work, shop, play, and socialize! It works like this, you enter in the locations places you go. For example, I put in Suite 133, Crescent Realty, my 4 farthest away friends, Blackwater Coffee, and the downtown YMCA. I probably could have left the Y out as much as I go these days- but it made me feel cooler.
It ran a little formula and…TADA! I should be living in Downtown Tacoma. I live in the Lincoln District so I’m not too far from my ideal spot. Now obviously for me it’s easy- I am single and have no kids. But they thought of that too! If you have others to consider, you just add their work, school, friends, etc in and it calculates the ideal spot for your whole family! It’s fun to play with, so check it out!
Thanks to #1 Client Mary M for sending this my way!